What We Believe
At St. Peter's:

We are a Biblical church that gives God's Word first place in our faith and life.  We believe that the Scripture's are the Word of God and his truth. 

We are a Christian church that proclaims full and free forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ.  We gather to praise God, to be strengthened by his word, and to reach out to those around us in Christian love.

We are a Lutheran church that believes that the Lord used Martin Luther and the other reformers to rediscover the truths of his Word that had been changed and hidden for centuries.  We do not worship Martin Luther, but believe God used him to correctly interpret and spread the truth of salvation in Christ, which all people need to know today as well.  

If you are interested in a more detailed examination of our beliefs, download one of the PDFs below. "This We Believe" is a statement of beliefs from our national church body, and the Augsburg Confession is the historic document teaching what Lutheran churches believe, teach, and confess.

"This We Believe"

Augsburg Confession
By grace are you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast. ~ Ephesians 2:8,9