SIS stands for "Sisters In Service," and consists of all ladies who are members of the church. Our goal is to serve the congregation. We eagerly welcome guests.  There are several standing committees that ensure that everything runs smoothly:

The Altar Guild is responsible for altar appointments, including seasonal paraments, organizing work groups, and making sure everything is prepared for worship and Holy Communion. These needs change according to the church calendar.  Communion preparation and supplies such as wine, bread, candles and new cloths are handled by the Altar Guild.
The flower committee schedules volunteers to place flowers on the altar every Sunday, and special arrangements for the church holidays of Easter, Thanksgiving, and Chistmas.

The Son Shine committtee remembers the sick with cards, calls, flowers, and visits. 

The Cradle Roll sends devotional material to infants until they reach Sunday School age. 

The Prayer Chain coordinates special requests for prayers by phone or e-mail. 

We organize spiritual and fellowship events for the entire church body.

S.I.S. meets quarterly to discuss current and upcoming events.  We operate under a constitution that is in compliance with the church constitution, and we hold membership with L.W.M.S., Lutheran Women's Missionary Society. We pay a membership fee and annually submit Mite box collections to help support mission projects.

Come join us in serving our church and our Lord!